About the School

John Paterson School Elementary School educates Pre-kindergarten through fourth grade students. With a population of over 400 students, John Paterson has maintained its traditional charm while meeting the expectations and demands of a 21st century education. We are characterized by a strong sense of community and high expectations in all that we do.


The Mission of John Paterson School is to provide learning experiences that support, challenge, and inspire our students to meet or exceed academic, social, and physical standards. We accomplish this in a caring and collaborative environment that is strengthened by diversity, where we recognize and celebrate each child’s development, learning style, and cultural background. Through the combined efforts of teachers, students, families, and members of the Newington community our students acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to make a positive impact on our democratic and global societies.


Students will demonstrate:

  • the use of literacy skills to read, explore, listen and respond to text in literal, critical and evaluative ways;

  • an understanding and application of standard English in oral and written communication;

  • the ability to analyze and solve problems using mathematical concepts, computation, and critical thinking skills;

  • an understanding of basic life, physical and earth science concepts through inquiry and application of the scientific process;

  • a basic knowledge of history, government, geography, cultures and economics;

  • the creation of written, oral and visual products to express, develop and substantiate ideas and experiences;

  • an appreciation for the visual and performing arts;

  • the use of physical fitness activities and exercise habits that encourage physical, social and emotional well-being; and

  • a respect for self and the rights, opinions and property of others; and

  • personal, academic, and social responsibility.

School Families

An initiative that organizes students in grades kindergarten through four and all staff members into "school family" units. Each "family" will be composed of approximately 10-12 students, 2 from each grade level and a staff member to facilitate the "family" meeting. The meetings will take place once a month for approximately 30 minutes. Pre-written curriculum tasks, aligned with a special program which was designed to foster a caring and cooperative school environment called "Don't Laugh at Me" will be the focus for each school "family" meeting. It is our goal , by connecting students with other students from different grades in meaningful activities, to create a school environment that fosters individual differences and celebrates each learner as unique.

Student Council

Students at John Paterson have the opportunity to lead the way to many new and exciting school-wide initiatives. Student council officers and representatives in grades one through four are elected each year. Our student council is made up of one representative and an alternate from each classroom and a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Our student council organization provides an important and unique experience in the learning journey by using leadership skills in an authentic way to enhance the school environment and become responsible school citizens. Through active participation at regular council meetings, the members experience the democratic process in action and acquire a better understanding of how to exercise parliamentary procedures. Each year, we look forward to the different service, social, cultural, and other related activities that our student council members will plan to encourage school spirit at John Paterson School.

School Assemblies

Our school holds six school-wide meetings or assemblies to celebrate student accomplishments in meaningful ways and to focus learning on a particular theme. Our school-wide assemblies are planned to connect activities and learning to our "school family" meeting topics. The assembly format includes the Pledge of Allegiance and singing of America, our school song and charter, sharing activities, a group task, and opportunities for individuals and student groups to showcase learning in a variety of ways. The school-wide assemblies are led by students so that our young learners may have an opportunity to model leadership and communication skills in an authentic manner. Our school-wide meetings are an excellent opportunity to join together as a school community to learn and to celebrate learning.

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